###################################### # From Jan Kwasniewski: Homo Optimus # ###################################### TYPE II DIABETES Type II diabetes, also known as non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM), is a disease of humans. No animal living in its natural habitat is able to eat the kinds of food diabetics eat. It is simply impossible. Pigs and dogs also suffer from type II diabetes. Pigs fed foods deficient in protein, and little fat doggies not being fed fresh raw meat any more, but instead being fed chocolate, sweets, cakes, and even apples. The incidence and prevalence of this disease is increasing Ihroughout the world at an alarming rate. The 20th century has seen the appearance of type II diabetes among many tribal nations in which the disease used to be unknown e.g., Tonga, New Zealand Maoris, Australian Aborigines, Alaskan Eskimos to name a few. In recent years, the prevalence of IDDM has been increasing at an alarming rate in most countries of East Asia, including Japan. And the reason is simple. Throughout the last few decades, these nations have been progressively denied access to, or "persuaded" to abandon or modify their traditional diets. As with type I diabetes, sugar is the cause of the disease. This sugar from sugar, from honey, from apples, from fruit juices, potato or maize flour, rice, bread, bread rolls, and cakes. The mechanism of defence against sugar which is not wanted by the organs and other tissues of the body, is somewhat different in type II ("trough-origin" diet) from that in type I ("pasture-origin" diet) diabetes, but the end results are alike. Type II diabetes is considered as one of the risk factors in coronary artery disease, atherosclerosis or obesity, but in the reality it is not the risk factor at all. Indeed, it is a symptom (a disease) caused by a common higher cause. In the same way as smoke is not the cause of fire, diabetes is not the cause of other diseases. Type II diabetes affects millions of people. The costs of treatment, the costs of the less productive work of diabetics, the costs of a shorter-life of diabetics (type II diabetes shortens life by approx. 25%), and other costs, which we all bear, are incredibly high. Human beings, whose diet contains similar caloric proportions of sugar and fat (for instance 45% energy from fats and 45% of energy from carbohydrates) can be compared to the driver of the car, who sources half of the energy needed to run a car from petrol (fats) and the other half from carbon with water (carbohydrates). In such conditions the body will not excrete fat, and the driver will not throw out petrol and try to drive using carbon and water (carbohydrate). Instead, he will drive less, but only on petrol, converting some of the carbon to petrol, and throwing out the rest. Diabetics (type II) convert glucose to fat and cholesterol, gaining at the same time oxygen, and secondly, hydrogen. Tissues are able to obtain oxygen from glucose. That is why the tissues of diabetics, individuals suffering from atherosclerosis and obese individuals are resistant to the lack of oxygen to a far greater extent than the tissues of the healthy individuals. No one can suffer from fatosis. Many suffer from sugarosis (diabetes)! The current methods of the treatment of diabetes are in fact not the methods of treatment of diabetes. These methods treat the high concentration of glucose in the blood, but not diabetes. The aim of the treatment is to cure oneself of the disease and to be healthy. Those being treated using current methods will never be cured of diabetes. Type I diabetes is a "poor pasture-origin" disease, and was covered with other diseases grouped under the so-called anti-atherosclerotic syndromes. Is it possible to cure people from type I or type II diabetes? Yes! In almost every case. In the case of type II diabetes one has to know a lot to be able to do it. In the case of type I diabetes one's knowledge has to be far more extensive. For those reasons one can cure oneself from type II diabetes at home, however, in the case of type I, patients should spend the first dozen or so days in hospital. Children especially should be admitted to hospital. Currently, there are no hospitals that undertake the causal treatment of type I diabetes with the aim of curing it. I approached many professors and medical practitioners with the proposition of causal treatment and the cure of this type of diabetes. So far I have had no positive response. If someone "knows" that there is no cure for diabetes, then it is impossible to convince that person otherwise. "There are no incurable diseases, only our knowledge that is insufficient" - wrote Professor Julian Aleksandrowicz. And he was right. Not just in the case of diabetes. Type II diabetes can be cured by starvation (concentration camps), with a dramatic restriction of fat consumption and its replacement with carbohydrate (concentration camps also), by the intake of fats with the lowest biological and caloric value, meaning polyunsaturated fats (soy oil and particularly corn), fats which do not contain all the vitamins and enzymes necessary for their metabolism, elements occurring naturally in all animal fats. However, every one of these treatments shortens human life and degrades the human intellect. The cure of diabetes using these treatments is attainable, but the cure of atherosclerosis is not, and the probability of contracting cancer is dramatically increased. Type II diabetes is currently being "treated" with orally administered drugs which stimulate the pancreas to produce more insulin. With the hitherto existing model of nutrition and drug-increased production of insulin, the development of atherosclerosis is rapid. This effect occurs because insulin accelerates the conversion of glucose through the pentose cycle more efficiently than through the hexose cycle. Conclusion: oral drugs prescribed for the "treatment" of type II diabetes markedly accelerate the development of atherosclerosis. Causal treatment of type II diabetes ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Causal treatment of this type of diabetes involves a 10-fold reduction of carbohydrate intake and the replacement of those carbohydrates with fats. The fats should be of the highest caloric value, meaning fully hydrogen-saturated fats, optimally in the form of long-chain free fatty acids. These fats need to be of the highest biological value such as those from: egg yolk, bone marrow, bovine lard, pork lard, butter, and cream. This type of treatment is safe, always successful, can be undertaken at home, and the cure of diabetes occurs practically in all cases within a period of 3 weeks to 3 months, very rarely longer. Someone inquisitive may ask: "If I reduce my carbohydrate intake 10-fold, my diabetes should be gone the very next day. Why then, do 1 have to wait up to 3 months for the cure?" The answer is the following: the sudden introduction of the optimal diet forces the body to reconstruct, to remove unnecessary enzymes from cells, to replace them with other ones. The enzymes used to burn sugar, used in conversion of sugar to fat and cholesterol, become redundant. The body metabolises them. Enzymes are built from proteins. More than half of those enzymes (in weight) are converted at that time to glucose. Therefore, we consume very little sugar, but we make a lot of it. However, only for the time being. Most of the sugar conversion from the unnecessary enzymes occurs in the first week, every subsequent week the level of conversion drops, after 3 weeks (in the young) and after 3 months in the elderly, the chronically sick, and those with advanced atherosclerosis. Only then is the process complete. Practical guidance ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ After theoretical preparation, after studying what I have written above, after securing the means (glucometer) of frequent measuring of the blood glucose concentration, the following steps should be taken to achieve the cure: 1. Implement the optimal diet in its full scope on day 1. 2. Patients on 3 pills per day should immediately withdraw their medication. 3. Patients on 4 or more pills per day should reduce their doses by half. 4. Patients administering insulin in doses up to 20 units per day may immediately stop it. 5. Patients administering insulin in doses above 20 units per day need to immediately reduce their dosage by half. The insulin - only a long-acting (Lente) type and not short-acting (Rapid) type -should be injected once a day, optimally in the morning. Those receiving insulin in doses above 20 units per day, and particularly those who previously controlled their diabetes with oral medication may withdraw insulin and replace it with hypoglycaemic medication. However, the dose should be a half of that taken before the introduction of insulin. 6. Blood glucose concentrations should be monitored regularly. 7. Fasting blood glucose should be kept between 100 mg% and 200 mg% by adjusting the dose of oral medication. 8. When the fasting concentration of glucose declines below 140 mg% the dosage of the medication should be reduced by a further 50%, and then subsequently withdrawn. Dangers of the transitional period ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ The above procedural scheme is given as a guide. During the process of withdrawal or the reduction of medication, or insulin, one has to follow the blood concentrations of glucose as a guide. After the implementation of the optimal diet the level of blood glucose does not greatly fluctuate during the day. With the exception of the first few days, the blood glucose concentrations need not be measured too often. The excretion of glucose in the urine abates much faster than the reduction of the glucose concentration in the blood. In some people ketone bodies may appear in the urine. These can be measured using different indicator systems, typically a system of crosses. The scale ranges from one cross to four crosses. At the level of one or two crosses there is no reason for concern. At the level of three, but more importantly, four crosses, the diet must be modified. There is no reason to be scared of ketone bodies. In individuals on a high fat diet the body makes up ketone bodies as the "fuel" preferred to free fatty acids. The brain, the heart and other organs take up ketone bodies as the first option. In such circumstances, there is no need to abandon the optimal diet, but it has to be modified. Ketone bodies appear usually between days 6-10 after the change of diet. Similarly, ketone bodies appear in the urine during starvation "treatments", which does not indicate that the starvation must be terminated. On the 6th-7th day of starvation the amount of energy sourced from fats equals approx. 85%, from protein 13%, from carbohydrates only 2%. On the 6th-7th day of starvation the patient feels the best, because the body runs on the optimal diet with a somewhat increased burning of proteins. Past that time-point, conditions deteriorate. During the treatment with the optimal diet acidosis (ketone bodies) occurs less frequently than during starvation. Transiently synthesised ketone bodies are an excellent source of energy for many tissues. But the ability to burn them is limited. During rest, the human body can burn approx. 2.5 g of fat per 1 kg of body weight without excreting any ketone bodies in the urine. Therefore, in a 70-kg man the burning of 175 g of fat does not cause excretion of ketone bodies in urine. Between the 6th-10th day, one has to monitor the level of ketone bodies in the urine. If the level rises to 3-4 crosses, the delivery of external nutrients must be lowered (internal fats are burned fast), by eating less, by supplying fats with the highest biological value, by the reduction of physical activity, by remaining in a warm environment. The consumption of temporally alkalising products such as egg yolks, cream, or vegetables should be increased, and the consumption of acidifying products, i.e., meat, fish, poultry, nuts should be decreased. The consumption of carbohydrates can also be increased to approx. 50-60 g per day. In a 70-kg man, consumption of 50 g of carbohydrates per day prevents the appearance of ketone bodies (acidosis). Having implemented the optimal diet, the reader may want to check their blood cholesterol level. The total level of cholesterol often increases but the rise is due to the increase in the "good-HDL-cholesterol", which indicates the abatement of atherosclerosis but not, repeat - NOT, the progression of it. The highest blood level of HDL cholesterol I have ever come across in the diabetic patient after implementation of the optimal diet was 180 mg% which corresponded to a total level of 242 mg%. A high level of blood cholesterol, even as high as 400 mg%, does not have to indicate the progression of atherosclerosis. High cholesterol levels do occur without atherosclerosis, and conversely, low levels may accompany a rapid progression of the disease. The most important and the most reliable indicator of the progression of atherosclerosis is the blood level of triglycerides. If it declines below 90 mg% - atherosclerosis is abating. Similarly, the overall blood level of lipids below 800 mg% indicates abating atherosclerosis. Once the cure has been achieved, the reader is encouraged to forward his/her personal details to the address provided at the end of this book, together with the description of associated diseases as well as the length of the time taken to obtain a cure. A t t e n t i o n ! In a serious case of renal failure, with high blood concentrations of urea and creatine, some complications might develop. Introduction of the optimal diet causes an increase in the utilisation of proteins for energy, which causes an increase in the blood level of urea and creatine, which in turn can lead to the collapse of the renal system. In such a case, extreme caution should be exercised. The supply of proteins in the diet has to be markedly reduced; if possible, one should seek admission to the nephrological or internal diseases ward in a hospital (taking one's own food). Provided there is a medical practitioner willing to agree. And that could be the biggest problem.